
We represent buyers and sellers of energy in wholesale and retail transactions, including long-term contracts designed to promote the development of renewable energy generating resources and the reduction of carbon in the energy supply chain.

We also work with project developers and assist with the preparation of proposals responding to government-sponsored competitive bid processes. We’re familiar with the standards by which proposals are evaluated and help clients maximize the value of their proposal.

Competitive retail suppliers of energy seek our advice on regulatory compliance matters. Although the scope of state regulation applicable to retail suppliers and marketers is relatively narrow, then regulatory compliance matters arise it is critical to have adept regulatory counsel handling your matter.

We also provide advice and counsel on energy-related litigation and ADR matters. We are fortunate to have worked during our careers with litigators and trial lawyers who are as deeply committed as we are to professional excellence. On energy-related litigation matters we round out the litigation team by providing the breadth and depth of energy expertise that your litigation team may not possess.

Energy Industry Attorney William Hewitt

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